Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Problems when building project in Xilinx XPS/SDK 14.2


Symptom: Missing the during SDK compilation.

Cause: My system is CentOS 6.3 x86_64. But the Xilinx tool "as" in the 64-bit EDK directory is actually a 32-bit ELF executable. It is looking for the 32-bit instead of the 64-bit installed version.

Solution: Install the 32-bit by
yum -y install libzip.i686"


Symptom: Missing the xil_cache.h file when compiling the platform.c file in SDK.

Cause: There are modules, created by XSP/BSB, have capital letter(s) in their module name (e.g. LEDs_8Bits, etc.).

Solution: Exit XPS. Edit the *.MHS file. Change all "INSTANCE" name with lower case letters only.


Symptom: The simulation in XPS seams endless without clock and reset.

Cause: The XPS does not create testbench by default so there is no drive to these signals.

Solution: Check the "generate simulation template" option in the project options.

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